July Self Portraits | Thoughts and Camera Settings

Self portraits were flowing easily in July. Some months are better than others… Interestingly, it appears that this was also the month of pink shirts?

3pm, North Facing Window, 50mm, ISO 200, f/1.4, 1/400
3pm, North Facing Window, 50mm, ISO 200, f/1.4, 1/400

The above 2 photos were for the prompt “What I’m Reading.” I’m a pretty voracious reader. Reading has always been one of my favorite hobbies and one of my favorite ways to escape the world. I wanted the mood to be light and soft in these images. Locating myself near a large window to take advantage of a soft light source and shooting at the widest aperture I have available to me helped to create the feeling that I was looking for.

2pm, West facing window, 36mm, ISO 800 f/2.8, 1/200

“When I look in the mirror, I see…” For this image I decided to play with the 40 different (ok, maybe 5) mirrors that are currently in our master bath. The image actually only captures reflections. I positioned the camera at differing angles until I was able to hide my gear outside the edge of the frame, while still capturing the multiple reflections that I wanted to see in the final frame. Using mirrors is a great way to add depth and interest to images. If you have a mirror in the space you are shooting in, be sure to challenge yourself to shoot a few frames that creatively incorporate the reflections that the mirror provides.

4pm, West facing window, 50mm, ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/400

“Cooking.” Pretty literal interpretation, but I tried to spice up the frame by using the counter as a foreground element and including an unconventional amount of my body within the image.

4:30pm, back to the west but lit by light bouncing off of west facing windows, 50mm, ISO 100, f/1.8, 1/500

“Bokeh.” The bokeh created by backlit trees is pretty hard to beat. On sunny spring and summer afternoons I often stand at my kitchen window to look out at the beautiful pattern of light and shadow that this weeping tree behind our house creates. A wide aperture and relatively long distance between subject and background will allow for the ‘sparkliest’ bokeh in a given situation.

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