Health and Wellness Favorites for Early 2018

Health and wellness have been on my mind this year. I mean, they’re on usually on my mind, in general, but after a rough 2017, I want to make some healthy changes in 2018. In the interest of helping anyone who has similar interests to mine, here are some of my health and wellness favorites for the first two months of the year.

Health and Wellness Favorites for Early 2018 | Yoga on YouTube

I am currently taking 2 ballet classes per week, which is my true preferred method of exercising. However, ballet requires mad strength and flexibility, and progress is much more quickly achieved with daily class. That isn’t practical for my life and I’ve found that yoga is an easily accessible complimentary form of exercise.

Boho Beautiful– I first found Juliana’s yoga videos about 2 years ago. I was experiencing bad lower back pain and was looking for Yoga stretching and strengthening to help me out. Boho Beautiful videos have a wonderful sense of flow and relaxation to them. Importantly, I also feel stronger when I complete at least one of their videos 5 days per week.

Brett Larkin– Brett has a magnetic and positive personality that makes her yoga videos an enriching experience. I find that her cuing is especially good for helping me to make small adjustments that deepen and strengthen each posture.

Health and Wellness Favorites for Early 2018 | Korean Skincare

Skin. Anyone else still working to figure theirs out? I’ve tried all (ALL) kinds of things to calm down my acne prone skin. Harsh things dry me out, many oils block my pores, I’m sure Accutane during my teen years did some irreparable bodily damage without benefit (know better, do better, on that one)… Long story short, I’m still working on it. While I do think that diet and stress have a lot to do with it, I decided to give the Korean Skincare approach a try this year, and have been very pleased with the results.

Liah Yoo– Liah’s videos are very approachable and I appreciate that she weaves science and research into her recommendations and explanations of skincare. Remember, when searching for product recommendations, everyone’s skin is different, and so what worked wonderfully for one beauty personality won’t necessarily work for you. Liah’s skin type is different than mine, but many of her videos offer general knowledge and thoughts on products that might be gentle enough for all skin types.

Peach and Lily– A website dedicated entirely to selling carefully curated K beauty products. They also offer an awesome consultation service (for free!) After submitting a description of your skin and it’s issues, you will receive a personalized recommendation of skincare products.

Health and Wellness Favorites for Early 2018 | Personal Goal Setting and Organization

This year, small steps are going to be enough. Huge goals are great, but they can often overwhelm me and cause me to sit in analysis for months on end, as I try to figure out exactly where would be the best place to start. I also like to think way too far ahead and get stuck on problems that couldn’t even present themselves for months. Not this year. Something is better than nothing and any progress is good progress.

Powersheets– Paper products are one of my favorite things. I think I could rather easily be a paper hoarder, except I also feel great satisfaction in loading up our recycling bin each week. Live in balance ;) Powersheets are awesome. You get to think through your goals and values, then break your desired outcomes down into small chunks. The book itself is very visually pleasing.

Passion Planner– While Powersheets are a great goal setting tool, it doesn’t include a daily, or monthly calendar. It is meant to function in tandem with a planner of some sort. My favorite planner for the past few years has been Passion Planner. This year, I switched from the larger size to the smaller size and I’m enjoying the way the smaller book fits easily in my purse to accompany me to kids’ activities so I can work while they are at class.


I’d love to hear your favorites for the start of 2018. Leave me a note in the comments!

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