
What would you do if no obstacle stood in your way?
What calls to the deepest part of your soul, excites you all the way to the edges of your toes and the ends of your eyelashes?
You know the thing, constantly announcing itself with each beat of your heart.
Or maybe you have a misty, amorphous idea of it, dancing in the shadows at the edge of your mind,
that place of deep hopes and tender dreams that is dusty with cobwebs due to infrequent visits.

However it lives in you, some would say, chase it!
Go after it with everything you have!
Maybe. Maybe some people can.
Others, though, need gentleness.
No matter how much we want the thing, no matter how convinced we are of its goodness, its rightness for us,
if it in any way scares us, some part of ourselves will reject it.
The little part wants to keep us safe,
and sameness feels safe,
so the tender part overrules all the boldness we have, for safety.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, the tender scared part can be shown that eventually, the whole dream can be held.
Not all at once, usually not even in big pieces,
but space within, for holding change, can be curated.
Continuously recognizing the safety of the present moment, even if the past or future is not,
makes room for the new.
May we all be on a path towards our dreams.

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